
February 29, 2020

Learn How To Connect Two Computers

Learn How To Connect Two Computers? Describing The Steps For The Process!

Do you require connecting to another computer wirelessly so that you may easily transfer few of your data with the internet connection or router? Without the proper internet connection you cannot make use of the syncing services as the drop box for sharing the data between the devices easily in 10kb system. If you are having the networking device as the router, switch or hub then you can get computers for talking to each other, it requires bit of the additional work, but you can learn how to connect two computers? However, if you are having the computer or laptop which possesses the wireless card and does the other system, then you can also make use of the cards for making wireless connection between two computers. 

Learning the process!

Once they get connected wirelessly, you can normally share the data between computers. You can also create the ad-hoc networking in the OS X or windows. You can have a look on the steps for creation of network for all OS. It is much important for you to note that the ad-hoc network generally have some limitations which make it useful for some situations here at this link First, speed of the ad-hoc network is less normally than the normal infrastructure network. This ad-hoc network requires the maximum speed of around 11Mbps that is slower than the max speeds. Secondly, one cannot monitor the signal strength of the ad-hoc networks thus you have to be sure that computers gets closer to each other and never move around. Lastly, these ad-hoc networks don’t support security features of the normal infrastructure network and can be hacked easily. 

Setting up the ad hoc networking

The below mentioned tips are mainly for the Windows 7 system but can be followed for windows 8 as well or windows Vista.

  • For getting started, open control panel and click on the network or sharing center. 
  • On next dialog, click on setup for new connection or the network link towards bottom.
  • In new connection dialog, you can also scroll down for watching setup of the wireless ad hoc in network option
  • On next screen, you can have a look as what the ad hoc networ are and if you are the one who is connected currently to wireless network then you can probably be disconnected. Go further and click on next.
  • Now you are required to give the network a name and select the security type or give security key. For security key, one can also choose from three options as the WPA2-personal, WEP, and no authentication. The default one is the WPA2-Personal that is strongest of all. Click on next option where you can find the screen that shows that the network has got setup. 

This is it and you can learn easily how to connect two computers. You can go ahead and have a look on the list of the wireless network along with rest of wireless network. Click on for getting connected. The system is now ready for connecting with other system. 

About Morgan

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